Note: To use System Restore, you must be logged onto your computer as an administrator. If you do not know if you are logged onto the system as an administrator, check out the following link to find out:
To turn System Restore on or off:
- Go to My Computer.
- Right click. Go to Properties. Select the System Restore tab.
- Clear the checkmark to turn on System Restore. Insert a checkmark in the box indicating to turn System Restore off.
- Go to Start/All Programs/Accessories/System Tools/System Restore.
- Select the Create A Restore Point option and click Next.
- Type a description like, "Before printer driver install", and click Create.
- Click Close.
Revert to your Restore Point:
- Go to Start/All Programs/Accessories/System Tools/System Restore.
- Select Restore My Computer to An Earlier Time option, and click Next.
- Use the calendar to select the restore point you want to go to. Days in bold contain the valid restore points. After you select the day, select the restore point listed on the right. Click Next.
- Make sure this is the correct restore point and click Next. Windows restores to the selected backup and restarts.